The cheapest in town, the...
絶好の場所(原文)Lugar excelente
私はチャンスを与えてここに再び行くだろう!(原文)Little bike rental shop run by a nice man. The bikes are only 200 yen for an entire day, which is pretty outrageous in my opinion. They didn’t have a helmet at the time I asked, so be aware of that. The bike is nice enough, especially considering how cheap it is. I’d go here again given the chance!
SoyjaponésEsunhombreConlainformacióndeGoogle、megustaríaayudara las personas queviajan。
Hay muchas publicaciones enTokio。
Bonjour Je suis japonais C'est unhomme。
GoogleのAvecles information、je voudraisaiderlesgensàvoyager。
Il y abeaucoupdemessagesà東京。
Halo Saya orang jepang Itulaki-laki。
Dengan informationasi Google、saya ingin membantu orang-orang yangbepergian。
Ada banyak postan diTokyo。
(原文)反対側の商店街の自転車さん!Hello. I am Japanese. It is a man. With Google's information, I would like to help people traveling. There are many postings in Tokyo. please refer.Hola. Soy japonés Es un hombre Con la información de Google, me gustaría ayudar a las personas que viajan. Hay muchas publicaciones en Tokio. Por favor refiérase.Bonjour Je suis japonais C'est un homme. Avec les informations de Google, je voudrais aider les gens à voyager. Il y a beaucoup de messages à Tokyo. S'il vous plaît se référer.Halo Saya orang jepang Itu laki-laki. Dengan informasi Google, saya ingin membantu orang-orang yang bepergian. Ada banyak postingan di Tokyo. Silakan lihat.
At 200 yen a day (7am-6pm) it is a bargain. The older Japanese gentlemen are lovely and only speak a little English but enough to get by. From the rental garage we easily rode to Setagaya park and Meguro river to see the cherry blossoms and enjoy the outdoors and many other areas close by. Enjoy.
Nice guys, communicated fine with English, very affordable, had a great experience in a bike-friendly neighborhood
¥200 bike rental service!Granted, they're single-speed heavy steel chariots. But hey, from 7AM to 6PM for just ¥200, you can't fault that at all.Rent your sweet ride, pedal over to the Tama river, enjoy the area and buy yourself a great lunch with the money you saved on transportation!
The cheapest in town, the staff was so nice
名前 |
三軒茶屋北レンタサイクルポート |
ジャンル |
電話番号 |
03-3419-2191 |
住所 |
営業時間 |
[月火水木金土日] 7:00~19:00 |
関連サイト | |
評価 |
4.2 |
