In My opinion about Greeg...
In My opinion about Greeg I-am the citizens of Nepal MR Ramesh Rijal This is the very best college of Yokohama japan while I heard about this college after finished my language school I decided to join in this college I took entrance exam and I passed after while those guys said me that don’t go to Greeg I felt little nervous but when i joined in this college for my further study in business studies I came daily for the studying I talked with those teachers every teacher were friendly and also all of students were good I felt very lucky to have good teachers and good friends in college I liked to came every day without leave .and one of the most important things I forgot to explain.i don’t have enough word to explain her but I wanna say something about principal ...she has very kind heart she never hurts us she never say No it’s impossible !!she has helped us in every difficulty time until now today. She has supported me helped me I couldn’t pay back her debt . I felt happy and very lucky in this college and I do so much love to this college forever .
名前 |
グレッグ外語専門学校横浜校 |
ジャンル |
電話番号 |
045-311-8900 |
住所 |
関連サイト | |
評価 |
3.7 |
