自動車のキズや凹みを治す、鈑金塗装会社の谷地自動車鈑金塗装さんの経営する、中古車展示場です。 自動車の車体の修理を生業としている会社なので、ボディの状態の目利きや、重大な事故を起こした車両の修理も治す技術があるので、事後歴を見破る眼力も確かな物があると思います。 もちろん一般修理からメンテナンスまでやっているので、アフターサービスもキチンと出来る会社です。 It is a used car exhibition hall run by Mr. Taniji Motor Sheet Metal Painting, a sheet metal painting company that repairs scratches and dents on automobiles. Since the company is engaged in the repair of the car body, it has the technology to cure the connoisseur of the condition of the body and the repair of the vehicle that caused a serious accident, so I think that it has a certain ability to see the aftermath. Of course, we do everything from general repairs to maintenance, so we are a company that can provide after-sales service.
It is a used car exhibition hall run by Mr. Taniji Motor Sheet Metal Painting, a sheet metal painting company that repairs scratches and dents on automobiles. Since the company is engaged in the repair of the car body, it has the technology to cure the connoisseur of the condition of the body and the repair of the vehicle that caused a serious accident, so I think that it has a certain ability to see the aftermath. Of course, we do everything from general repairs to maintenance, so we are a company that can provide after-sales service.