名前 |
不動堂 |
ジャンル |
住所 |
評価 |
3.9 |
聖護院の尊像右手に智剣、左手に羂索を持ち、巻髪で頭頂に髷を結ぶ聖護院門跡の本尊 不動明王像(重要文化財)は平安時代後期の作。
聖護院では本尊不動明王(重文)、修験道の開祖役行者が大峰 山上ヶ岳で感得された蔵王権現を祀っています。
Main hallIt was rebuilt in 1963 with an appearance that is almost the same as it was in the Edo period. The main statue of Fudo Myoo, which is an important cultural property, is enshrined inside the hall. The main memorial services are held in the Shinden, and the main hall also serves as a Kagyo dojo.Shogoin statueThe statue of Fudo Myoo (Important Cultural Property), the principal image of Shogoin Monzeki, holds a chiken in his right hand, a string of ropes in his left, and wears a topknot on the top of his head with curly hair.Since Shogoin was founded, it has survived several fires and has been protected as the principal image.Shogoin enshrines the principal image of Fudo Myo-o (an important cultural property) and Zao Gongen, which Enno Gyoja, the founder of Shugendo, was inspired by at Mt. In addition, various Buddhist statues, mainly Fudo Myo-o, are enshrined here, which were entrusted to the temple by a subsidiary temple that was abolished when the Shinbutsu Hanrin-ryo was enacted in the first year of the Meiji era and the Shugendo abolition order in the same year.